概括跨越不同视觉域的学习表现的能力,例如在真正的照片,剪贴画,绘画和草图之间是人类视觉系统的基本容量。在本文中,不同于利用一些(或全部)源域监控的大多数跨域工作,我们接近一个相对较新的,非常实用的无监督域泛化(UDG)设置在既不源也不在源域中没有培训监督。我们的方法是基于跨域(BRAD)的桥梁​​的自我监督学习 - 辅助桥域附有一组从每个训练域的Brad将视觉(图像到图像)映射保留的一组语义。 BRAD和MAPPAPAPPED(端到端)与对比的自我监督表示模型一起学习(端到端),其用语义对齐每个域将每个域对齐,因此隐含地驱动所有域(见或看不见)语义上彼此对齐。在这项工作中,我们展示了如何使用边缘正则化的布拉德,我们的方法在多个基准和一系列任务中实现了显着的增益,包括UDG,少量UDA和跨多个域数据集的无监督概括(包括指向未经看明域的概念和课程)。
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我们提出了自我分类器 - 一种新型自我监督的端到端分类学习方法。自我分级器通过优化同一样本的两个增强视图的同级课程预测,以单级端到端的方式同时使用标签和表示。为了保证非退化解决方案(即,所有标签分配给同一类别的解决方案)我们提出了一种数学上促进的跨熵损失变体,其在预测标签上具有均匀的先前被断言。在我们的理论分析中,我们证明了堕落的解决方案不是我们方法的最佳解决方案。自我分级器可以实现和可扩展。与其他流行的无监督分类和对比表示学习方法不同,它不需要任何形式的预训练,期望最大化,伪标签,外部聚类,第二网络,停止梯度操作或负对对。尽管其简单性,但我们的方法为想象成的无人监督分类设定了新的艺术状态;甚至实现了无监督的代表学习的最先进结果的效果。代码:https://github.com/elad-amrani/self-classifier
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Neural Representations have recently been shown to effectively reconstruct a wide range of signals from 3D meshes and shapes to images and videos. We show that, when adapted correctly, neural representations can be used to directly represent the weights of a pre-trained convolutional neural network, resulting in a Neural Representation for Neural Networks (NeRN). Inspired by coordinate inputs of previous neural representation methods, we assign a coordinate to each convolutional kernel in our network based on its position in the architecture, and optimize a predictor network to map coordinates to their corresponding weights. Similarly to the spatial smoothness of visual scenes, we show that incorporating a smoothness constraint over the original network's weights aids NeRN towards a better reconstruction. In addition, since slight perturbations in pre-trained model weights can result in a considerable accuracy loss, we employ techniques from the field of knowledge distillation to stabilize the learning process. We demonstrate the effectiveness of NeRN in reconstructing widely used architectures on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet. Finally, we present two applications using NeRN, demonstrating the capabilities of the learned representations.
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Action recognition models have achieved impressive results by incorporating scene-level annotations, such as objects, their relations, 3D structure, and more. However, obtaining annotations of scene structure for videos requires a significant amount of effort to gather and annotate, making these methods expensive to train. In contrast, synthetic datasets generated by graphics engines provide powerful alternatives for generating scene-level annotations across multiple tasks. In this work, we propose an approach to leverage synthetic scene data for improving video understanding. We present a multi-task prompt learning approach for video transformers, where a shared video transformer backbone is enhanced by a small set of specialized parameters for each task. Specifically, we add a set of ``task prompts'', each corresponding to a different task, and let each prompt predict task-related annotations. This design allows the model to capture information shared among synthetic scene tasks as well as information shared between synthetic scene tasks and a real video downstream task throughout the entire network. We refer to this approach as ``Promptonomy'', since the prompts model a task-related structure. We propose the PromptonomyViT model (PViT), a video transformer that incorporates various types of scene-level information from synthetic data using the ``Promptonomy'' approach. PViT shows strong performance improvements on multiple video understanding tasks and datasets.
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In this short paper, we present our ongoing work on the veriFIRE project -- a collaboration between industry and academia, aimed at using verification for increasing the reliability of a real-world, safety-critical system. The system we target is an airborne platform for wildfire detection, which incorporates two deep neural networks. We describe the system and its properties of interest, and discuss our attempts to verify the system's consistency, i.e., its ability to continue and correctly classify a given input, even if the wildfire it describes increases in intensity. We regard this work as a step towards the incorporation of academic-oriented verification tools into real-world systems of interest.
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Light is a complex-valued field. The intensity and phase of the field are affected by imaged objects. However, imaging sensors measure only real-valued non-negative intensities. This results in a nonlinear relation between the measurements and the unknown imaged objects. Moreover, the sensor readouts are corrupted by Poissonian-distributed photon noise. In this work, we seek the most probable object (or clear image), given noisy measurements, that is, maximizing the a-posteriori probability of the sought variables. Hence, we generalize annealed Langevin dynamics, tackling fundamental challenges in optical imaging, including phase recovery and Poisson (photon) denoising. We leverage deep neural networks, not for explicit recovery of the imaged object, but as an approximate gradient for a prior term. We show results on empirical data, acquired by a real experiment. We further show results of simulations.
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Pretraining has been shown to scale well with compute, data size and data diversity. Multitask learning trains on a mixture of supervised datasets and produces improved performance compared to self-supervised pretraining. Until now, massively multitask learning required simultaneous access to all datasets in the mixture and heavy compute resources that are only available to well-resourced teams. In this paper, we propose ColD Fusion, a method that provides the benefits of multitask learning but leverages distributed computation and requires limited communication and no sharing of data. Consequentially, ColD Fusion can create a synergistic loop, where finetuned models can be recycled to continually improve the pretrained model they are based on. We show that ColD Fusion yields comparable benefits to multitask pretraining by producing a model that (a) attains strong performance on all of the datasets it was multitask trained on and (b) is a better starting point for finetuning on unseen datasets. We find ColD Fusion outperforms RoBERTa and even previous multitask models. Specifically, when training and testing on 35 diverse datasets, ColD Fusion-based model outperforms RoBERTa by 2.45 points in average without any changes to the architecture.
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Estimating uncertainty in image-to-image networks is an important task, particularly as such networks are being increasingly deployed in the biological and medical imaging realms. In this paper, we introduce a new approach to this problem based on masking. Given an existing image-to-image network, our approach computes a mask such that the distance between the masked reconstructed image and the masked true image is guaranteed to be less than a specified threshold, with high probability. The mask thus identifies the more certain regions of the reconstructed image. Our approach is agnostic to the underlying image-to-image network, and only requires triples of the input (degraded), reconstructed and true images for training. Furthermore, our method is agnostic to the distance metric used. As a result, one can use $L_p$-style distances or perceptual distances like LPIPS, which contrasts with interval-based approaches to uncertainty. Our theoretical guarantees derive from a conformal calibration procedure. We evaluate our mask-based approach to uncertainty on image colorization, image completion, and super-resolution tasks, demonstrating high quality performance on each.
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Controllable image captioning models generate human-like image descriptions, enabling some kind of control over the generated captions. This paper focuses on controlling the caption length, i.e. a short and concise description or a long and detailed one. Since existing image captioning datasets contain mostly short captions, generating long captions is challenging. To address the shortage of long training examples, we propose to enrich the dataset with varying-length self-generated captions. These, however, might be of varying quality and are thus unsuitable for conventional training. We introduce a novel training strategy that selects the data points to be used at different times during the training. Our method dramatically improves the length-control abilities, while exhibiting SoTA performance in terms of caption quality. Our approach is general and is shown to be applicable also to paragraph generation.
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In the framework of online convex optimization, most iterative algorithms require the computation of projections onto convex sets, which can be computationally expensive. To tackle this problem HK12 proposed the study of projection-free methods that replace projections with less expensive computations. The most common approach is based on the Frank-Wolfe method, that uses linear optimization computation in lieu of projections. Recent work by GK22 gave sublinear adaptive regret guarantees with projection free algorithms based on the Frank Wolfe approach. In this work we give projection-free algorithms that are based on a different technique, inspired by Mhammedi22, that replaces projections by set-membership computations. We propose a simple lazy gradient-based algorithm with a Minkowski regularization that attains near-optimal adaptive regret bounds. For general convex loss functions we improve previous adaptive regret bounds from $O(T^{3/4})$ to $O(\sqrt{T})$, and further to tight interval dependent bound $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{I})$ where $I$ denotes the interval length. For strongly convex functions we obtain the first poly-logarithmic adaptive regret bounds using a projection-free algorithm.
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